lack of communications???

hmmm....hari nih dah bukan black monday dah..aku pun tak tau nak jadi apa ari nih..

as usual, every monday is not a productive day for me...ari isnin adalah hari untuk aku "memanaskan" enjin kerja aku...kang ari khamis kang baru dia panas...

aku tgk gak depan aku nih (my staffs semua duduk in front of me...) semua tak buat keje, buat hal sendiri...and it makes me think...aku nih lack of communication ke with them??

lain aku cakap, lain yg diaorg buat...

and aku teringat nasihat TSUB IP kat aku about leadership skills...kene ada this 4 things to be a of the things is telling...hmm...kene telling banyak2 nih..

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