Nak kurus..nak kurus...

Everytime when I read article on how to lose weight, selalunya dia akan tulis kene kurangkan liquor, merokok and makan junk food. So, aku pun terfikirla..

1. Aku tak minum liquor (obviously..)

2. Aku tak smoking

3. Aku tak suka makan junk food - dalam fridge no ice-cream, no jajan

So, why susah aku nak lose weight?

But suddenly I remembered...

1. I'm addicted to caffeine...A LOT!!

2. I like red meat!!! Nyamnyamnyam

3. Errr, eating less amount of veggies and fruits
4. Kurang exercise..huhuhu

So, actually takdelah susah aku nak lose weight kan? Kurangkan intake caffeine, red meat and eat more veggies and fruits plus do more exercise, right?

Tapi kenapalah susah sangat nak kurus ni??? Huhuhuhu...


afzan said...

and aida, the key to weight lost is drink lots of water and it means plain the question is: Have you drink at least 8 glass of plain water today?i drink at least 3L a day...:)

art said...

mari beli herbalife dengan saya. hohohoho